blubber likes a reply on ***07/01 : Quand EA voulait racheter Ubisoft il y a 10 ans
Jean started the topic ***07/01 : Quand EA voulait racheter Ubisoft in the forum LA TAVERNE il y a 10 ans
Un excellent article sur jeuxvideo.com
blubber replied to the topic Natixis confirme son avis sur Ubi le 06/01/15 in the forum UBISOFT il y a 10 ans
Voici le résumé :
« Point sur les ventes de jeux à la mi-décembre : déjà 6,5 M unités pour Assassin’s Creed selon nous, et 4,8 M pour Far Cry 4. Ce qui rend nos prévisions du T3 fiscal (T4 calendaire) de resp. 8,5 M et de 7 M très crédibles désormais. Le consensus va s’ajuster en hausse. Acheter » -
blubber replied to the topic *** JP MORGAN RAISES UBISOFT TO OVERWEIGHT (from hold) !!! **** in the forum UBISOFT il y a 10 ans
C/B 15,3 et 11.7, Ce n’est pas trop, vu le potentiel amha…
blubber replied to the topic *** JP MORGAN RAISES UBISOFT TO OVERWEIGHT (from hold) !!! **** in the forum UBISOFT il y a 10 ans
Some other interesting points in the JP Morgan report :
* According to JP Morgan, it is very well possible that console sales in the first three years will be as high as the total sales of prev gen consoles in the first FOUR years; the next gen console sales cycle is faster than the previous cycle
* JP Morgan expects number of next…En afficher davantage -
blubber replied to the topic *** JP MORGAN RAISES UBISOFT TO OVERWEIGHT (from hold) !!! **** in the forum UBISOFT il y a 10 ans
Some other interesting point in the JP Morgan report :
* According to JP Morgan, it is very well possible that console sales in the first three years will be as high as the total sales of prev gen consoles in the first FOUR years; the next gen console sales cycle is faster than the previous cycle
* JP Morgan expects number of next…En afficher davantage -
blubber likes a reply on UK : un superbe final ! il y a 10 ans
blubber replied to the topic *** JP MORGAN RAISES UBISOFT TO OVERWEIGHT (from hold) !!! **** in the forum UBISOFT il y a 10 ans
* We have been too cautious on the company’s cash generation ability over the next years
* We think Ubi can deliver consistent positive free cash flow over the next few years
* Potential upside resulting from
a) increasing digital sales
b) new console cycle
c) Ubi’s ability to leverage its franchises
* Ubisoft offers attractive…En afficher davantage -
Jean a écrit un nouvel article il y a 10 ans
blubber replied to the topic *** JP MORGAN RAISES UBISOFT TO OVERWEIGHT (from hold) !!! **** in the forum UBISOFT il y a 10 ans
JP Morgan : « We think we might have been too cautious » LOL !!
à suivre…
blubber replied to the topic *** JP MORGAN RAISES UBISOFT TO OVERWEIGHT (from hold) !!! **** in the forum UBISOFT il y a 10 ans
Oui, ca va péter !!! 😀
(je suppose, au moins a partir de 12-14 quand les américains se lèvent 😉
blubber replied to the topic *** JP MORGAN RAISES UBISOFT TO OVERWEIGHT (from hold) !!! **** in the forum UBISOFT il y a 10 ans
Oui, ca va pêter !!! 🙂
blubber replied to the topic Louis Capital Markets confirme son avis sur Ubi le 06/01/15 in the forum UBISOFT il y a 10 ans
Yes !! 😉
Mais maintenant :
Busy, busy, busy !!!! Je vais voir si j’ai le rapport de JP Morgan !!! -
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