ACCUEIL›Forums›LA VIE d’ASAMACUBI›Quels jeux / quels "succès"›Reply To: Quels jeux / quels "succès"

Voici le type d’action qui peut donner lieu à récompense
Au sein du forum
A forum is permanently deleted by the user
A forum’s settings are changed by the user
The user creates a new forum
The user puts a forum into the trash
The user restores a forum from the trash
The user closes a topic.
Separate topics are merged together by a user
The user opens a topic for new replies
An existing topic is split into seperate threads by a user
The user permanently deletes a topic
The user marks a topic as a sticky
The user trashes a topic
The user unstickies a topic
The user restores a topic from the trash
The user creates a new topic.
The user permanently deletes a reply
The user trashes a reply
The user restores a reply from the trash
The user replies to a topic.
2.Sur le site
The user marks an item in an activity stream as a favourite.
The user replies to an item in an activity stream.
The user writes an activity update message.
The user un-favourites an item in their activity stream.
A new user activates their account on your website.
The user writes a message in a group’s activity stream.
The user accepts a friendship request from someone.
The user cancels a friendship.
The user rejects a friendship request from someone.
The user sends a friendship request to someone.
The user bans a member from a group.
The user creates a group.
The user deletes a group.
The user demotes a group member from moderator or administrator status.
The user invites someone to join a group.
The user joins a group.
The user leaves a group.
The user is promoted to a moderator or an administrator in a group.
The user promotes a group member to moderator or administrator status.
The user unbans a member from a group.
The user deletes a private message.
The user sends a new private message or replies to an existing one.
The user changes their profile’s avatar.
The user updates their profile information.
3. En sur le site / blog
A comment is written by the user.
The user publishes a blog post.
A new site is created by the user (multi-site only).
The user trashes a blog post.
Jean, esprit libre et créateur / administrateur du site.
Mon blog sur